option C.5: (AHL) Population ecology
Essential idea:
- Dynamic biological processes impact population density and population growth.
Nature of science:
- Avoiding bias—a random number generator helps to ensure population sampling is free from bias. (5.4)
C 5.1 U Sampling techniques are used to estimate population size.
C 5.2 U The exponential growth pattern occurs in an ideal, unlimited environment.
C 5.3 U Population growth slows as a population reaches the carrying capacity of the
C 5.4 U The phases shown in the sigmoid curve can be explained by relative rates of
natality, mortality, immigration and emigration.
natality, mortality, immigration and emigration.
C 5.4 U Limiting factors can be top down or bottom up.
C 5.1 A Evaluating the methods used to estimate the size of commercial stock of marine resources.
C 5.1 A Use of the capture-mark-release-recapture method to estimate the population size of an animal species.
C 5.3 A Discussion of the effect of natality, mortality, immigration and emigration on population size
C 5.4 A Analysis of the effect of population size, age and reproductive status on sustainable fishing practices.
C 5.5 A Bottom-up control of algal blooms by shortage of nutrients and top-down control by herbivory.
C 5.1 S Modelling the growth curve using a simple organism such as yeast or species of Lemna.
Key Terms
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